martes, 8 de mayo de 2012


ACTIVITY: Enter the following website and say the meaning of the following words.

  1. Canvas:

  2. Zebra:

  3. Template:

  4. Zoom bar:

  5. bubble menu:

  6. Urls-links

  7. Path points

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  2. 1.- canvas: is like a platform in wich you write something.
    2.- zebra: allowed you move, scale, and rotate any content you have selected.
    3.-template: it's like theme in wich you can put or edit anything.
    4.- zoom bar:it's a bar in wich we can find some tools to zoom our canvas.
    5.- bubble menu:

  3. Canvas: Basically, canvas is what we call whiteboard where we can add as many elements as we want to show.

    Zebra: It is a control that appears when we click once on any element that we've add to our canvas, allowing us to move, scale, and rotate any content we have selected

    Template: In few words the templates are already given for us when we start using prezi, that gives us determinated patterns such as: font, size, colour, etc. Actually we can select a blank canvas and then edit it however we want.

    Zoom bar: This bar on the right of our canvas, allows us to zoom our canvas to get an overview of everything we've added.

    bubble menu: It allows us to insert rectangles, circles, triangles and arrows. We can add videos, images and audio files. Also, we can change the patterns of our template.

    Urls-links: We can share our presentation with a link given once you save your work.

    Path points: It's considered as the final point, here you can connect all the elements that we've added on the canvas, basically.

  4. 1. Canvas: Is like a big stage that you can move or pan with your cursor.

    2. Zebra: Is the tool which allows us to scale, move and rotate any element we put in our canvas.

    3. Template: is like a theme that you can use to do your presentation, you can also use your canvas in blank.

    4. Zoom bar: Is a bar where we can find tolos to zoom our canvas or to have a overview of it.

    5. bubble menú: It allows us to insert rectangles, circles, triangles and arrows. We can add videos, images and audio files. Also, we can change the patterns of our template.

    6. Urls-links: We can share our presentation with a link given once you save your work.

    7. Path points: It's considered as the final point, here you can connect all the elements that we've added on the canvas.

    Nelson Dommke.

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  6. Canvas: Is the platform, what you see.

    Zebra: is elementary for work in prezy. click once on it to bring up the zebra, allowing you to move, scale, and rotate any content you have selected.

    Template: we can select a blank canvas and then edit it however we want.

    Zoom bar: It allows us to insert rectangles, circles, triangles and arrows. We can add videos, images and audio files. Also, we can change the patterns of our template.

    Urls-links: You can share your work with another people, Your presentations can be public.

    Path points: You can add a sequence for your presentation.


  7. Canvas:is a platform where you can write anything you want

    Zebra: is where you move, scale and rotate the content

    Template: Different kind of themes

    Zoom bar: is like a bar where you can find some tools for zoom

    Bubble Menu: insert rectangles, Circles, Triangles, arrows and add videos images etc..

    Urls-links: We can share our presentation

    Path Points: with this tool you can connect all the element than you add on the canvas

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  9. 1.It is where you write and work, is what you see, like a slide. in a circle that alows you to escale, and rotate any content you have selected.
    3.Are the different things you can do on the canvas.
    4. It is like a bar where you can find some tools for zoom. It's on the right side on the screen.
    5.Here you can click and select options, is in the left top corner. is useful to create, click and save your prezi and then linked.
    7 With the Path tool, you can create a path to follow while you present.
